2 min read

Community Building On Vacation

Community Building On Vacation
Photo by Haley Parson / Unsplash

Hello to all of my fellow World-Weary travelers!

As most of you will be aware, I am currently in the United States on a five week trip. I've done my best to keep up with my weekly posting and bi-weekly podcasting, and I've managed to avoid an interruption up until this point.

However, my last week here is going to be a little bit hectic. I have travel plans to cement, three days where I'm going to be on the road for six hours or more, and not a lot of time to sit and work.

As a consequence, I've opted to take this last week as a breather from my usual posting schedule. Instead of giving an in-depth newsletter edition this week, I thought I'd put out a little invitation instead.

Part of what I'm trying to do here on World-Weary is to build a community network. I want this space to be somewhere for people with similar interests to meet and have conversations. I'd love to see ideas shared and plans laid down.

I see a couple of regular commenters pop in now and again, but a large number of my regular readers are a little bit on the shy side. If you don't feel compelled to comment, of course you don't need to. But I would love to hear a little bit about my readers, what they care about, and what makes them tick.

So while I take a bit of a break from writing, I wonder if you guys might take the chance to jump in and join me in taking a chill day. I'd love to see you introduce yourselves in the comment section, and say hello to one another.

I want to hear your thoughts, your opinions, and I'd love to get some prompts for what you all want to see here on World-Weary!

So come on in, put your feet up, pour a cup of tea. Grab some cookies, maybe a cupcake if you feel like being decadent.

World-Weary, let's have a friendly chat.

Solidarity wins.