3 min read

Wildfire Season In Canada

Wildfire Season In Canada
Photo by Benjamin DeYoung / Unsplash

It's that time of year again; the time when my entire country holds its breath and prays for rain.

Wildfire season in Canada is a terrible ordeal. As Climate Change continues to worsen and our weather patterns grow more and more unstable, the conditions for firestorms are showing up earlier in the year.

I've written about our fire season before, most notably covering the awful year in British Columbia where entire towns were wiped off of the map by uncontrollable flames.

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Since then, things have continued to escalate.

Last year, the fires across the country got to be so bad that the very air was choking us alive. I was quite close to one of the blazes myself, although I was fortunate enough that the wind pushed it away from where I live.

My family, also living in regions threatened by wildfires, managed to avoid losing their homes and loved ones to the inferno. We were all very, very lucky. Last year was one of the worst wildfire seasons on record, and over 230,000 people were forced to evacuate from the 18.5 million hectares that were scorched.

Wildfires burned 18.5M hectares of land in 2023. What will happen come thaw? | Globalnews.ca
Wildfires leave a mark, and after a season that saw 18.5 million hectares of land burned, some experts are warning about the effects they can have in future extreme weather events.

And now, it's beginning all over again. I'm writing this story on April 25th, and already, there are well over 100 fires burning across British Columbia. By the time this is published, there will be even more.

Some of them are fires that started last year and have never been successfully extinguished.

Canada’s wildfire season begins early
More than 110 fires are already active in the province of British Columbia, some of which started last year but never went out.

We're seeing hot, dry weather, drought, and snow packs that have failed to collect their typical expected volume ahead of the spring thaw. We're looking at the perfect conditions to turn Canada into a tinderbox on a bed of straw.

I'd like to urge all of my readers to take the time to familiarize themselves with fire safety in case they happen to be going on a camping trip as the spring weather starts warming up.

Consider other vacation options to avoid potential disaster. You don't want to be caught in the forest when something goes wrong.

You should also take time to get set up ahead of time. Prepare a go-bag for emergencies, with food, extra medication, lots of water and some extra clothes. Keep your important documents, too, so they don't get lost if you have to suddenly leave your home.

Hopefully, none of this is needed where you live, but remember: fire spreads. If it's out of control here, it could race in any direction the wind might take it. The southern border into the States is not going to act as a firebreak.

We're in for a rough time from now until the end of Autumn. Stay aware and stay safe.

Solidarity wins.